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Liens Maya

weblinkFoundation for the Law of Time 
The Foundation for the Law of Time is dedicated to the promulgation of the Law of Time as a new system of knowledge, inclusive of distribution and promotion of the 13 Moon/28-day calendar. We honor all faiths and creeds and envision a planetary culture of peace where time is art and synchronicity is the normal everyday experience.

weblinkMessenger of the Law of Time
Perhaps best known for his role in initiating the world famous Harmonic Convergence global peace meditation of August 16-17, 1987, José Argüelles was also one of the originators of the Earth Day concept and is recognized as the “father of the Whole Earth Festival,” now in its 33rd year at Davis, California.

weblinkMaya 21-21-2012
Many people believe the Mayan calendar represents the end of the world by December 21, 2012 through a doomsday or apocalypse scenario. Other people will agree that these are the « end times » but also believe we may be witnessing the beginning of the « Golden Age » and the Age of Aquarius.

weblinkWikipedia: Maya civilization
The Maya is a Mesoamerican civilization, noted for the only known fully developed written language of the pre-Columbian Americas, as well as its art, architecture, and mathematical and astronomical systems…

weblinkMayan Majix en français
La section française du site Mayan Majix.


weblinkNoosphere forum
The mission of the First Noosphere World Forum is to provide a virtual planetary round table to: Dialogue and share information, educate, create collaborative partnerships, network, and mutually plan for significant events that will further the understanding of the noosphere and its meaning for all humanity prior to the WorldShift, 21 December 2012

weblinkThe World Forum of Spiritual Culture
The World Forum of Spiritual Culture

Hronoya is a prophecy for the new mankind, opening the door to global understanding of the importance of time cycles consciousness, and the adoption of the new scientific thought on TIME – THE NEW SCIENCE OF TIME.

weblinkCrest 13
CREST13: Noosphere II, Planetary Engineering Project. Centers For The Restitution Investigation And Education Of The Natural Mind

weblinkSynergy Moon
SYNERGY MOON is an eccentric, electrifying merge of the arts and sciences. We represent a collaboration of individuals from over 15 countries and our numbers are growing. We are an official team in the Google Lunar X PRIZE, and also pioneers in human space travel and interplanetary exploration.  

weblinkTesta Society
“The final objective of a man is to fully conquer the material world and subjugate the natural forces to the human needs. This is a difficult task of an inventor who often is neither understood nor recognized. He therefore finds a huge compensation in the joy which awakens in him the creative work, as well as in the knowledge that he belongs to the specifically privileged group of people, without whom the mankind would have disappeared a long time ago in the severe struggle with unmerciful forces of the nature” (Nikola Tesla)

weblinkThe Tesla Science Foundation
Our mission is to establish and promote the recognition and awareness of Nikola Tesla’s inventions, patents, theories, philosophies, lectures and innovations.

weblinkWorldShift Network
Indisputably the world is undergoing a fundamental transformational process, a global change. Which trend the change will follow is in the hands of those, who have the decisive power to direct and design the change.
Motivated by the impression that at the beginning of the 3rd millenium the trend of the change is dominated by forces, which in the past have contributed to turn our home planet into a life-threatening place for humanity as well as for vast parts of non-human nature, the undersigned are founding the WorldShift Network.

weblinkThe global Club of Budapest
Founded in 1993, the global Club of Budapest is an informal international association dedicated to developing a new way of thinking and a new ethics that will help resolve the social, political, economic, and ecological challenges of the 21st century. With its roster of internationally renowned members the Club initiates a dialogue between different belief systems and world views in order to co-create and develop effective strategies for responsible and sustainable action with a global focus.

weblinkGlobal Ecotechnics Corporation
Global Ecotechnics Corporation (GEC) is engaged in the development and application of innovative ecotechnic projects and biospheric design and engineering with an education and information division to further the first two objectives.

weblinkMe and the biosphere
John Allen, inventor, conceiver and co-founder of the Biosphere 2 project – the world’s largest laboratory for global ecology. Biosphere 2 set a number of world records in closed life system work including, among others, degree of sealing tightness, 100% waste recycle and water recycle, and duration of human residence within a closed system (eight people for two years). Allen has also conceived and co-founded nine other projects around the world, pioneering in sustainable co-evolutionary development.

weblinkSynergetic Press
Synergetic Press was founded in 1969 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. After 40 years of publishing, we are still fiercely independent. We believe that our job as publishers is to advance the most relevant and far-reaching work we can find in the fields of biosphere science, ethnobotany, cultures.

weblinkThe Global Consciousness Project
The Global Consciousness Project 
Meaningful Correlations in Random Data

weblinkPlanet 3000
Nous vivons entre deux mondes. Notre planète et l’humanité passent par un processus transitionnel sans précédent. L’époque de barbarie basée sur la consommation illimitée, les conflits, la compétition et les guerres est en voie de se transformer en une ère d’évolution consciente pour la création, la coopération et la paix. Tous nos problèmes sont issus de l’ignorance et nous avons notre tâche: créer des conditions pour tous de regarder en soi-même et se rendre compte de qui nous sommes, d’où nous sommes, pourquoi nous sommes ici, où nous allons.

weblinkL’Union Fraternité Mondiale

weblinkPeter Russel
Since its creation in 1966, this site has grown from a few dozen pages to over four hundred, and from text only to audio, video, and interactive sections.

weblinkInstitute of Noetic Sciences
IONS is a nonprofit membership organization located in Northern California that conducts and sponsors leading-edge research into the potentials and powers of consciousness—including perceptions, beliefs, attention, intention, and intuition. The Institute maintains a commitment to scientific rigor while exploring phenomena that have been largely overlooked by mainstream science.

weblinkThe GaiaMind Project

The GaiaMind Project is dedicated to exploring the idea that we, humanity, are the Earth becoming aware of itself. From this perspective, the next step in the evolution of consciousness would seem to be our collective recognition that through our technological and spiritual interconnectedness we represent the Earth growing an organ of self-reflexive consciousness. While we believe that the Earth is alive, and we are part of it, we also affirm the Great Spirit of Oneness found at the heart of all the worlds great spiritual traditions. What is most important may not be what we believe, but what we find we all share when we put our thoughts aside to go into meditation and prayer together.

Liens spirituels en russe

weblinkYamaya www.yamaya.ru

weblinkEarth Sky Earth Sky

weblinkSpirit of Maat Spirit of Maat en russe

weblinkAnatana Anatana

weblinkNoosphere Spiritual Ecological World Assembly
Мы, члены Ноосферной духовно-экологической Ассамблеи мира, имеющей свои отделения в 22 странах, участники Всемирной Выставки ЭКСПО–2005 в г. Нагоя (Япония), учёные и молодёжь различных стран и континентов, участники Международного симпозиума на паруснике «Седов» (Россия, Санкт-Петербург, 2005), а также многочисленные присоединившиеся организации и отдельные лица открываем работу над Ноосферной духовно-экологической Конституцией человечества!